Saturday, November 30, 2013


This summer I went with some friends on a 4 day hiking/backpacking trip. The sights that we saw were absolutely gorgeous. ...Pictures do not do justice... 

CAD model of a semi

This is a semi that I drew from scratch with a CAD software called Cimatron.

Monday, November 25, 2013


In fifth grade I made this lobster out of clay. I got an A+  and my teacher commended me for my creativeness. The glazing did an excellent job of replicating an actual lobster.

Freehand Drawings

When I was younger, I used to like to draw a lot. Most of the time I drew cars and trucks. There is a whole world of graphic design in the automobile world.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Reversible Figure Ground Relationship

There are 3 types of figure ground relationships. Stable, Reversible and Ambiguous. This is Reversible because the ground becomes the figure and the figure becomes the ground depending on how you look at it.


This is a logo representing "No Respect"